These nodes are permissionless and do not require Immutable to allowlist you. This is the easiest way to run a node in the network.
- Minimum hardware requirements: 2 AWS vCPU, 4GB RAM, 100GB free storage space.
- Ubuntu 22.04.1 (tested on 22.04.1)
- Official Documentation
- Install Docker
Setup the Immutable zkEVM node
- Create a data directory.
mkdir /opt/immutable-zkevm
- Pull the Docker image.
docker pull
# Create a short-form tag we can reference in the next few commands
docker tag geth
- Initialise the node.
- Testnet
- Mainnet
docker run \
--rm \
-v /opt/immutable-zkevm:/mnt/geth \
--name geth \
geth immutable bootstrap rpc \
--zkevm testnet \
--datadir /mnt/geth
docker run \
--rm \
-v /opt/immutable-zkevm:/mnt/geth \
--name geth \
geth immutable bootstrap rpc \
--zkevm mainnet \
--datadir /mnt/geth
- Start the Immutable zkEVM node as a service
- Testnet
- Mainnet
docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
-v /opt/immutable-zkevm:/mnt/geth \
--name geth \
-p 8545:8545 \
geth \
--zkevm testnet \
--config /etc/geth/testnet-public.toml \
--datadir /mnt/geth \
--http \
--http.port "8545" \
--http.addr "" \
--gossipdefault \
--disabletxpoolgossip \
docker run \
-d \
--restart=always \
-v /opt/immutable-zkevm:/mnt/geth \
--name geth \
-p 8545:8545 \
geth \
--zkevm mainnet \
--config /etc/geth/mainnet-public.toml \
--datadir /mnt/geth \
--http \
--http.port "8545" \
--http.addr "" \
--gossipdefault \
--disabletxpoolgossip \
Verify your deployment
- Check the logs.
docker logs geth
An output similar to the following logs indicates you are synching from the genesis block.
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.418] Maximum peer count ETH=100 LES=0 total=100
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.421] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.422] initialising New Relic agent...
ERROR[12-04|04:54:26.422] Failed to initialise New Relic agent: NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME missing
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.433] Enabling recording of key preimages since archive mode is used
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.446] Using pebble as the backing database
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.446] Allocated cache and file handles database=/mnt/geth/geth/chaindata cache=512.00MiB handles=524,288
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.504] Opened ancient database database=/mnt/geth/geth/chaindata/ancient/chain readonly=true
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.505] State scheme set to already existing scheme=hash
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.508] Set global gas cap cap=50,000,000
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.509] Initializing the KZG library backend=gokzg
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.650] Allocated trie memory caches clean=512.00MiB dirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.650] Using pebble as the backing database
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.650] Allocated cache and file handles database=/mnt/geth/geth/chaindata cache=512.00MiB handles=524,288
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.730] Opened ancient database database=/mnt/geth/geth/chaindata/ancient/chain readonly=false
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.753] Initialising Ethereum protocol network=13473 dbversion=8
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] Chain ID: 13473 (unknown)
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] Reorg Invariants Enabled: true
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] Consensus: Clique (proof-of-authority)
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] Pre-Merge hard forks (block based):
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Homestead: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Tangerine Whistle (EIP 150): #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Spurious Dragon/1 (EIP 155): #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Spurious Dragon/2 (EIP 158): #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Byzantium: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Constantinople: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Petersburg: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Istanbul: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Muir Glacier: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Berlin: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - London: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Arrow Glacier: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Gray Glacier: #0 (
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] The Merge is not yet available for this network!
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] - Hard-fork specification:
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] Post-Merge hard forks (timestamp based):
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.754]
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.755] Loaded most recent local block number=1,343,036 hash=b5bb3f..cbe4f1 td=2,686,073 age=1m17s
WARN [12-04|04:54:26.893] Sanitizing invalid blobpool storage cap provided=0 updated=10,737,418,240
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.893] Initialized transaction indexer limit=2,350,000
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.929] Gasprice oracle is ignoring threshold set threshold=2
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.935] Shutdown tracker started marker
WARN [12-04|04:54:26.935] Engine API enabled protocol=eth
WARN [12-04|04:54:26.935] Engine API started but chain not configured for merge yet
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.935] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=Geth/v1.13.0-unstable-cb37d5a3-20231204/linux-amd64/go1.21.4
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.975] IPC endpoint opened url=/mnt/geth/geth.ipc
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.975] Loaded JWT secret file path=/mnt/geth/geth/jwtsecret crc32=0xaa03f756
time="2023-12-04T04:54:26Z" level=error msg="Failed to initialise New Relic middlware: nrApp is nil"
time="2023-12-04T04:54:26Z" level=error msg="Failed to initialise New Relic middlware: nrApp is nil"
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.976] WebSocket enabled url=ws://
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.976] HTTP server started endpoint= auth=true prefix= cors=localhost vhosts=localhost
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.981] New local node record seq=1,701,654,445,241 id=660d517490a62260 ip= udp=0 tcp=0
INFO [12-04|04:54:26.981] Started P2P networking self=enode://9040706fed7d4ac85ff44ac1ad54b28ec39b585ec23a5dacb920163d95dd576ca0ab8d2ba4b590a16a183bc14114ac299f2712ada37f8060be684983b1d5016f@
INFO [12-04|04:54:36.978] Block synchronisation started
INFO [12-04|04:54:37.205] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,079 hash=560a17..971f02 blocks=43 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=205.607ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:37.518] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,080 hash=db30ec..114a94 blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.535ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:39.517] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,081 hash=b72134..f35f55 blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.587ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:41.015] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,082 hash=882e89..2b8def blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=5.473ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:43.012] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,083 hash=39f454..608c0c blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.066ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:45.518] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,084 hash=aa9eb2..f83f8f blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.481ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:47.517] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,085 hash=8161fb..9142ec blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=3.971ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:49.516] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,086 hash=fd6e70..0bf228 blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=4.095ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
INFO [12-04|04:54:51.011] Imported new chain segment number=1,343,087 hash=9bf651..57e23e blocks=1 txs=0 mgas=0.000 elapsed=5.172ms mgasps=0.000 triedirty=0.00B
- Check the chain ID.
From the container host.
curl http://localhost:8545 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
Compare it to the output reported by Immutable nodes.
- Testnet
- Mainnet
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
The output should be:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
The output should be: