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Version: v2

Product philosophy

This section is intended for game builders who are new to web3 development. Here we explain how our set of web3 solutions help you build quickly. You'll learn web3 concepts in the context of your game building needs.

We started building the Immutable product stack as a necessary solution for our first blockchain game Gods Unchained. The objective of our approach to product building is two fold:

  1. To reduce the need for game developers to understand complicated web3 architecture choices by putting together a best-of-breed set of abstractions
  2. To reduce the friction for mainstream games as they onboard onto web3 and experience the future of gaming.

Whilst wallets, bridges, exchanges and ERC standards might still be foreign concepts to you, this series of article will explain these components in the context of common tasks you would want your game to perform.

The articles include:

Player identity and experienceDetails how we've designed player profile and integrated web3 wallet solutions for holding player coins and items.
In-game coinsDetails the solutions we offer to put your in-game coins on chain and manage an ERC-20 / ERC-1155 broadly.
In-game itemsDetails the solutions we offer to put your in-game items such as cards or swords on chain.
Storefront and in-game tradingDetails the solutions we offer for both primary sales, and secondary trading in your game.
Crafting and lootboxesDetails the solutions we offer for you to power common game mechanics - crafting and lootboxes.