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Version: v1

Storefront and in-game trading

As part of your game's commerce, you might choose to set up a storefront and marketplace. This could be an in-game or otherwise separate web-based experience. Today we provide you the tools to create a web-based experience, and we're quickly building the in-game experience right now.

Our philosophy

A storefront is where items, coins and lootboxes in your game can be purchased at fixed prices as "new items" (either denoted in your in-game currency or fiat). A marketplace is one which allows secondary trading between players that currently own the item.

By utilising both a storefront and a marketplace, you give your players the choice to either buy "new", or "used".

We recognise all games are different and have different commercial objectives. Our philosophy is to give you the primatives to use as much or as little of these features as your game context needs.

Relevant Immutable products and features

  • Primary Sales Widget is a tool we've created to streamline your primary sales process. This is currently available for web-based experienced only, and an in-game alternative is being built.

  • Checkout and Passport are the two key products which power funding a purchase (Checkout) and the ability to save a player's items (Passport).

  • Global Orderbook is our solution to help you ensure your marketplace listings are synced with other marketplaces across our platform offering the same asset.

  • In-game Storefront and Marketplace (coming soon) is the set of primatives via SDKs to help you set up an in-game storefront and marketplace. Currently we suggest you utilised 3rd party marketplaces, and primary sales widget until this feature is available.

  • Customisable Storefront and Markeplace Experience (coming soon) is the set of primatives we provide you to build any experience you can dream up for your in-game or out-of-game storefront or marketplace.

Available today:

Available nowPrimary sales (Storefront)Secondary trading (Marketplace)
3rd PartyYesYes

*In-game primary sales is available today via building your own solutions with our APIs

Core benefits

Some key benefits of utilising our stack as a whole include:

  • Fully customisable and immersive experience: Our product stack allows you to build your ideal buying and transacting within your game, all the building blocks will be there for you. Similarly, with the embedded wallet and signing features, we allow you to keep players in the gameplay.

  • Global Orderbook integration for maximising liquidity: Buy and sell offers are available with the Immutable Global Orderbook integration. This means you can provide functionality for your players to sell and buy at true market price.

  • Optimised minting, gas management and inventory forecasting: As we understand the impact of the throughput and cost impacting real-time minting, we provide you with sales statistics and forecast tools. This way you can choose to bulk mint at most economical times to reduce the gas impact.

  • Token support: If you choose to accept tokens (ie your ERC-20), we allow you to set this up as part of the Checkout experience easily.

Immutable products and solutions to explore