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Version: v2


On-ramp requires authenticated user

Link.onramp({}) should only be called when user is authenticated and logged in, otherwise it will require user to reconnect

The on-ramp functionality is available in SDK v1.35.3+ and is a collaboration between Immutable and Providers, such as MoonPay and Layerswap.

Limited Currency Support

We only support ETH, USDC, GODS or IMX token

The list of supported cryptoCurrencies in the Link SDK:

  • ExchangeCurrency.USDC
  • ExchangeCurrency.ETH
  • ExchangeCurrency.IMX
  • ExchangeCurrency.GODS

On-ramp with MoonPay provider

To initialize the on-ramp process with an option to choose any available currency, marketplace needs to call the onramp function:

await link.onramp({});

This displays the Link UI with loaded MoonPay widget:

On-ramp without parameters

To initialize the on-ramp process for a specific currency:

await link.onramp({ cryptoCurrencies: ['ETH'] });

This displays the Link UI with loaded MoonPay widget:

On-ramp with specific currency

To initialize the on-ramp process when a user can choose only specific currencies:

await link.onramp({ cryptoCurrencies: ['ETH', 'USDC'] });
// or
await link.onramp({ cryptoCurrencies: ['IMX', 'GODS'] });
MoonPay sandbox testing

To test the transactions in the Sandbox environment, please use the following test cards:

CARD: Visa NUMBER: 4444493318246892 DATE: 12/2023 CVC: 123

CARD: Mastercard NUMBER: 2222755234426838 DATE: 01/2024 CVC: 123

On-ramp with Layerswap provider

To initialize the on-ramp process with specified provider(by default MoonPay):

await link.onramp({ provider: 'layerswap' });

This displays the Link UI with loaded Layerswap widget:

On-ramp with specified provider

Layerswap sandbox testing

To test the transactions in the Sandbox environment, please use your exchange account with feature supported Sepolia cryptocurrencies


See error responses here.