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Register your application

Before using Passport, you must register your application as an OAuth 2.0 client in the Immutable Hub. First, you'll need to create a project and a testnet environment. Then you can navigate to the Passport config screen and create a passport client for your created environment. When you're ready to launch your application on the mainnet, please ensure you configure a passport client under a mainnet environment.

Register your application as an OAuth 2.0 client in the Immutable Hub by following the "Add Client" button in the Passport page.

Creating a client allows you to configure settings specific to your application, such as the permissions you require from users. It also grants you a set of credentials that you will need when initiating the login flow from your app.

An OAuth client needs to be registered for every type of application you own, so if you are a game publisher that requires the Passport login in a mobile app and a website, you need to create two clients.

Things to note when adding a client in the Immutable Hub

There are a few crucial details that must be provided when adding a client:

Application TypeThe type of your application. Available types: Website / Native (e.g. Mobile App, Desktop Game)
Client nameThe name you wish to use to identify your application.
Logout URLsThe URL that your users will be redirected to upon logging out of your application.
Callback URLsThe URL that your users will be redirected to once the authentication is complete. This is also where your application process the authentication response.
Web Origins URLsThe URLs that are allowed to request authorisation. This field is available when you select the Native application type.

Next steps

Once you have successfully registered your application in the Immutable Hub. Be sure to make a note of your application's Client ID, Callback URL and the Logout URL that you entered, as you will need these to initialise the Passport module in your application.